Drill 2 Solutions
Using the
type from lecture, how is the following expression encoded?(if (> x 0) y z)
["if"; [">"; "x"; 0]; "y"; "z"]
Lst [Sym "if"; Sym ">"; Sym "x"; Num 0; Sym "y"; Sym "z"]
Lst [Sym "if"; Lst [Sym ">"; Sym "x"; Sym "0"]; Sym "y"; Sym "z"]
Lst [Sym "if"; Lst [Sym ">"; Sym "x"; Num 0]; Sym "y"; Sym "z"]
Lst [Sym "if"; Lst [Sym ">"; Lst [Sym "x"; Num 0]]; Sym "y"; Sym "z"]
Using OCaml's pattern matching on the
type, which pattern matches the symbol "add1" followed by exactly one argument?-
Lst [Sym "add1"]
Lst (Sym "add1", arg")
Lst [Sym "add1"; arg]
Lst ((Sym "add1") :: arg)
If this OCaml expression compiles, which of the following could be the type of
List.filter (fun x -> x > 2) (List.map f ["hello"; "goodbye"])
'a -> 'a
'a -> string
int -> int
int -> bool
string -> int
'a -> int
What's the type of this expression?
List.filter (fun x -> x > 2)
- This expression does not typecheck
int list -> int list
(int -> bool) -> int list -> int list
('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list
'a list -> 'a list
Write the x86-64 instruction (in NASM syntax) to add 5 to the value in rax, storing the result in rax.
add rax, 5
Which of the following are valid expressions in the language of unary operations?
(add1 4)
(add1 4 5)
(add1 x)
(sub1 (add1 3))
(sub1 add1)