Lab 6 - Parser generators

In this lab, you'll be working with ocamllex (a lexer generator) and menhir (a parser generator) to lex and parse an arithmetic language.

Accept the assignment on Github Classroom here.



Starting point

We've provided a lexer (syntax/lex.mll) and parser (syntax/parse.mly) for a simple language supporting integers, infix addition, and a print operator. Programs are composed of statements of the form print <expr>. For example, the following are valid programs as of now:

Running the interpreter

To run the interpreter, execute the interp binary as follows:

dune exec ./bin/interp.exe -- -e "<PROGRAM>"

This will parse the program <PROGRAM> with your parser and interpret the AST that is produced. For instance, you could use the following to test the starter code:

dune exec ./bin/interp.exe -- -e "print 1 + 2"

Once the programs you want to run become more complex, it'll be easier to write them as files. To run the interpreter on a file, execute:

dune exec ./bin/interp.exe -- <FILE>

Part 1: Extending the language

First, extend the lexer and parser to support the following:



Of all the operators, log, sin, cos, tan, and negation should have the highest precedence, followed by exponentiation, then multiplication and division, then addition and subtraction.

Note: You may not use Menhir's %left, %right, %nonassoc, or %prec declarations yet, since we'll be using them in the next part. Instead, you should encode associativity and precedence explicitly using production rules, similar to how we've encoded the left-associativity of addition.

Checkoff: Call over a TA to go over your solution.

Part 2: Simplifying the parser

Next, we'll be simplifying the parser using some of Menhir's useful features. Before beginning work on this section, save a copy of parse.mly -- you'll need it again for part 3.

Using Menhir's %left, %right, and %nonassoc declarations (see the reference linked above, and note that it calls precedence "priority"), establish the same associativity and precedence rules for the operators in our language. This should reduce the number of parse rules you need to represent the language.

Hint: You may need to use the %prec declaration to override the precedence of the - operator when it is used for negation.

Checkoff: Call over a TA to go over your solution.

Part 3: Implicit multiplication

When writing mathematical expressions in non-programming contexts, it's common to write expressions like 3 (4 + 5) to implicitly mean 3 * (4 + 5). Add support for this form of expressions to your parser, converting them into the same ASTs that the explicit forms would parse to e.g. Times (Num 3) (Plus (Num 4) (Num 5)) for the previous example.

In order to add support for this form of expression in the parse rules, we'll need to go back to manually describing precedence and associativity instead of using Menhir's succinct declarations, so swap your current parse.mly file with the copy saved at the beginning of part 2. The reason for this is that Menhir's precedence and associativity hints help the parser generator resolve shift-reduce conflicts. There's a set of rules that it uses to do this and they involve looking at the token being parsed (e.g. PLUS). In the case of implicit multiplication, however, there isn't any such token to look at.

Checkoff: Call over a TA to get checked off for the lab.