Unary operations

Today we'll work on extending the language supported by our compiler with a couple of unary operations on natural numbers. In particular:

We'll also talk about testing our compiler, and learn more about the semantics of x86-64 assembly.

Interpreting Assembly

Let's look at the assembly code our compiler produces when we compile the program 17.

global entry
	mov rax, 17

Each of these four lines is an assembly directive.

Adding operations

Here's the compiler we ended up with after last class:


let compile (program : s_exp) : string =
  match program with
  | Num n ->
      String.concat "\n"
          "global entry"; "entry:"; Printf.sprintf "\tmov rax, %d" n; "\tret";
  | e -> raise (BadExpression e)

Before we extend the compiler to support new operations, we're going to make a couple of changes. First: right now, the compiler will only work on Linux, not MacOS; on Linux, labels shouldn't have underscores, whereas on MacOS they must. Relatedly: right now, it's sort of hard to read! The mov and ret instructions both have tab characters, there's that sprintf call, and so on.

Just as we introduced a more usable representation for s-expressions, we'll use an OCaml type for assembly language as well. See the lecture capture for the details of how our Asm library works.

Using the Asm library, we can rewrite our compiler:


open Asm

(* some definitions elided... *)

let compile (exp : s_exp) : string =
  match exp with
  | Num n ->
    [Global "entry"; Label "entry"; Mov (Reg Rax, Imm n); Ret] 
    |> List.map string_of_directive |> String.concat "\n"
  | _ -> raise (BadExpression exp)

This code uses the "pipeline" operator |>. This operator gives us a cleaner way of calling functions in OCaml; x |> f is exactly the same as f x. It lets us write expressions from "inner" to "outer" rather than the other way around; the pipeline expression in the code above could be replaced with

String.concat "\n" (List.map string_of_directive [Global "entry"; Label "entry"; Mov (Reg Rax, Imm n); Ret])

Notice the other thing we're doing here: partial application. We can provide some of the arguments to an OCaml function and get back a function we can apply to the rest of the arguments. For instance, since

List.map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list

we know that

List.map string_of_directive : -> directive list -> string list

OK: now we're ready to add support for add1 and sub1. These are both unary operations: they take one argument. Each of them takes in an integer and returns an integer (integers are still the only type our language supports). We're starting with unary operations because we'll be able to implement them using only a single register (namely our friend rax).

Let's start with the add1 operation. What code should our compiler produce for, say, (add1 50)?. How about something like this:

global entry
        mov rax, 50
        add rax, 1

So, let's write some code. We know we're going to need to match against these new operations.


let compile (exp: s_exp) : string =
  match exp with
  | Num n ->
    [Global "entry"; Label "entry"; Mov (Reg Rax, Imm n); Ret] 
    |> List.map string_of_directive |> String.concat "\n"
  | Lst [Sym "add1"; arg] ->
    (* what should we put here? *) 
  | _ -> raise (BadExpression exp)

Once we've done that, we get a bit stuck. We're going to need to include the "global entry", "entry:", and "ret" directives again, which seems repetitive. We're also going to need to do something with the argument to our operation.

Let's reorganize our compiler one more time:


let compile_exp (exp: s_exp) : directive list =
  match exp with
  | Num n ->
    [Mov (Reg Rax, Imm n)]
  | Lst [Sym "add1"; arg] ->
    (* what should we put here? *) 
  | _ -> raise (BadExpression exp)

let compile (program : s_exp) : string =
  [Global "entry"; Label "entry"] @
  compile_exp program @
  [Ret] |> List.map string_of_directive |> String.concat "\n"

We now have a helper function compile_exp in which we don't need to worry about "boilerplate" like our label and our return instruction. Now, we can complete our support for add1:


let rec compile_exp (exp: s_exp) : directive list =
  match exp with
  | Num n ->
    [Mov (Reg Rax, Imm n)]
  | Lst [Sym "add1"; arg] ->
    compile_exp arg @
    [Add (Reg Rax, Imm 1)]
  | _ -> raise (BadExpression exp)

In the add1 case, we first recursively compile the argument to the operation. We don't know what it is–it could be a number, or another unary operation. Regardless, we know what our compiler is going to do: it's going to produce a sequence of instructions that will put the value of that expression in rax.

We can add sub1 support similarly:


let rec compile_exp (exp: s_exp) : directive list =
  match exp with
  | Num n ->
    [Mov (Reg Rax, Imm n)]
  | Lst [Sym "add1"; arg] ->
    compile_exp arg @
    [Add (Reg Rax, Imm 1)]
  | Lst [Sym "sub1"; arg] ->
    compile_exp arg @
    [Sub (Reg Rax, Imm 1)]
  | _ -> raise (BadExpression exp)

OK–this looks reasonable! But how do we know it's right?

Correctness and testing

If we take the long view, programmers have–to put it gently–a pretty mixed track record vis-a-vis bugs; writing bug-free software is really hard! At the same time, it's quite important to ensure that compilers are correct. If your compiler has a bug, it could impact anyone writing programs in your language and is likely to be very hard for end-users to track down. So: what can we do to make sure that our software is correct?

We have a number of options, all of which have been applied (to varying degrees of success) to compilers:

For this class, our approach is going to be as follows. As we grow our language, we're going to add features both to our compiler and to a definitional interpreter. This is an interpreter for our language where we don't care about performance at all; all we care about is that it's correct. Indeed, this interpreter will serve as the definition of our language.

Here's such an interpreter for the language we have so far:

let rec interp_exp (exp : s_exp) : int =
  match exp with
  | Num n -> n
  | Lst [Sym "add1"; arg] ->
    (interp_exp arg) + 1
  | Lst [Sym "sub1"; arg] ->
      (interp_exp arg) - 1
  | _ -> raise (BadExpression exp)

let interp (program : string) = string_of_int (interp_exp (parse program))

Notice that our interpreter has a pretty similar structure to our compiler. We'll see this throughout the semester.

We asked in the first lecture about the "type" of an interpreter compared to the "type" of a compiler, and concluded that interpreters produce "values." Notice that here, the values are integers. Why did we choose that? How long will that last us?

Now that we have an interpreter, we can test our compiler against it:

let difftest (examples : string list) =
  let results = List.map (fun ex -> (compile_and_run ex, interp ex)) examples in
  List.for_all (fun (r1, r2) -> r1 = r2) results

let test () =
  difftest ["43"; "(add1 (add1 3))"; "(sub1 4)"]

This isn't a very fancy differential tester. In particular, it just checks that our compiler and interpreter have the same output -- what if we expect a certain output from both and want to specify that? On the homeworks we'll provide a fancier differential tester, with better error reporting and the option to provide expected values.