

We will use the OCaml programming language throughout the course. Here are some useful OCaml resources:


Our compiler targets the x86-64 architecture. We've prepared a reference (to be updated throughout the semester) for the x86-64 features we'll be using: x86-64 reference

Git / GitHub

We'll be using GitHub Classroom to distribute stencil code for each assignment. You'll get the link when the assignment is released. If you've never used Git before, read this doc. There are also plenty of Git tutorials online for courses like cs 0150, 0200, and 0320.

Writing and running code

In order to work with OCaml and compile to x86, you'll need to be able to run your code in a standardized environment (i.e. one that is not architecture-dependent). Please see the Environment Setup Guide to set up your environment.


You are now all set up to write OCaml! If you have issues with any of this, post on Ed and course staff can help. Have fun coding!